Review of Macrocosm

Star Trek: Voyager: Macrocosm (1996)
Season 3, Episode 12
Wildfire on Voyager
17 June 2019
I remember watching this episode when it first ran on UPN 13.

This is the very first episode where I realized that Captain Janeway, crawling through sweaty ducts and Jeffries tubes being chased by... things, was a rather attractive woman.

The mere thought of crawling through cramped, hot Jeffries tubes like Janeway was doing makes me sweat just watching it.

This is an episode where they really make you feel what Janeway is going through, you can feel the heat, you have to wipe the sweat off of your forehead, for some reason this episode affected me physically.

Additionally, this is one of those episodes that backs up halfway through, and with the Doctors narration, explains how things came to happen. The other episode that is kind of like this is "The Fight", which starts at the end, then backs up and then tells the whole story piecemeal.

This episode has an interesting premise, where the microscopic jumps into the macroscopic. Things that are small should never be made larger, either accidentally or intentionally.

It also serves as a kind of warning against something like that happening in the real world, if something like this were to happen here somehow, our ecosystem would be taken over and destroyed by such an event. Fortunately, I can't think of any instance that would cause events similar to what are depicted here to happen in real life. Even if it did, I don't think any life form that "jumped quantums" like that would be able to survive in the new environment. However, as they say in Jurassic Park, "life will find a way"- so the best thing is to never let it happen in the first place.

And in fact it only happens here due to a fluke.

In regard to the title of my review, refer to the Game of Thrones episode called "Blackwater", and then look for something similar in this episode of Voyager.
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