Lifechanger (2018)
I really wish I'd skipped this one
25 June 2019
Yet another movie I was lured into watching because I looked at the average rating, but didn't bother to look at the actual reviews. If I had done so, I would've noticed the usual oddly consistent, highly positive early reviews, followed by comments written by unhappy reviewers who seem to have seen the movie I did, not the marvel of modern filmmaking the early reviewers watched.

I fell asleep at one point for 15 - 20 minutes, and didn't even bother to go back and watch what I'd missed -- I'd already seen the same basic scene played out three times, didn't really need to watch number four to get the idea of what had happened.

When I woke, I paused to see how much time was left, and if there'd been more than 15 minutes, I wouldn't have bothered to finish. Alas, I did finish.

The ending annoyed me so much that I wish I'd stopped before I got there. One of those "deep" endings that I suspect is written because no one can figure out how to end the movie. It explained nothing, resolved nothing and in the end, this was for me another utterly bland, unoriginal, dull movie I watched only because Netflix pushed it a bit and suggested I'd like it. I guess I did get a short nap, so some good came of this.

I know a lot of people put a lot of time, effort and money into this, and I wish for their sake and mine that it had paid off. I guess it did, for them -- at least they got money for their effort.

You and I are just about finished, Netflix.
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