Siya Ke Ram (2015–2016)
Great show; although not a correct iteration of the Ramayana
3 July 2019
Siya Ke Ram is possibly one of the biggest Indian TV productions. It doesn't exactly follow the Ramayana, and thus I won't call it an exact iteration of the Ramayana, since the point here is to showcase Ramayana from Sita's perspective, and surely, this show does a great job at doing so.

I recently saw this on Hotstar after seeing Mahabharat (2013). This had much better VFX and CGI. In fact, it's the best we've seen on Indian television till now. It's been nearly 4 years since this show was on broadcast and we're yet to see an Indian show that beats Siya Ke Ram when it comes ot VFX and CGI.

Coming to characters, boy did Ashish Sharma do a wonderful job playing the Lord. And my second best favorite was the lad who played Ravana - he did a wonderful job as well.

The chaupayis and soundtrack was pretty good as well.

However, the reason I'll be cutting off 2 stars is purely because this was marketed as Ramayana and it clearly wasn't that. Right from the beginning it shows Ayodhya as a repressive kingdom. Sita doesn't change her expressions throughout the show. Unnecessary Kaikey drama, some things were stretched way too much then required. And then the unnecessary feminism thing that was really not needed here.

At the end of the day, this show should not be your point of reference for the Ramayana. And don't compare this to Ramanand Sagar's Ramayana either - that will forever remain as the best Ramayana iteration ever made.
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