Top Gun (1986)
Greatest military recruiting tool of 1980s... plus more...
12 July 2019
Greatest military recruiting tool of 1980s... plus more...

Graduating from high school in 1987 I also joined the military inspired by this film (Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Colors), but the true mastery of this film was not understood by me until I was in my forties when it dawned on me all of the sudden, likely because I was studying topics like ufos, conspiracy theories, us-uk-empire trespassing in/on other peoples countries and murdering raping the locals installing puppet regimes favorable to their new masters in washington dc, studying all of these facts I realized that this film made everyone believe that at that at the time in 1986 the F18 tomcat and NAVY air craft carrier attacking force was the best that there ever was on earth, no question this confident arrogant dramatization of military power came across loud and clear, this projection was the mind trick when in fact since 1974 the F117 triangle radar resistant skin and shape fighter aircraft was quitely and secretely flying (testing) in Area-51 north of Las Vegas near Indian Springs AFB and slightly east where Red-Flag fighter pilot school and training goes on in Nevada... Moreover there were the SR-71 photo-reconisance Black-bird aircraft that replaced the manned orbital spy telescope (Astro-Spies_PBS), USAF astronaut program probably Vanderburg AFB, of which the civilian version of the telescope later became the Hubble Science mission now pointed at the stars, so there was a lot of high tech that was operational mind tricked out of sight due to Top Gun entertainment and military recruiting film or tool of 1986...
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