24 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Abysmal. made me angry. unbearably predictable. awkward and weird with so many parts where i questioned why it's in the movie, and that was never answered. there are some good things here, like music and visuals. has a trippy feel. and lots of intrigue to start the movie. i remember thinking i kinda like this about a third of the way through. but i knew that so little had happened in the plot so far, and the directions the movie could take could easily swing my opinion either way. i was right. they went in a horrible direction. almost nothing happens in this movie. a lot of times with movies that start with intrigue, it never amounts to anything. it just feels kind of pointless at the end. this movie went further. it actually angered me and made me want to stop watching. i finished on fast speed but i already knew basically everything that would happen. focused on forced relationship drama and feelings. was difficult to finish. (1 viewing)


when i started to realize that this was going to be about how her feelings about her husband change and she cheats on him, i would have never watched this. and also the husband being a piece of crap and trying to blind his wife and gave the dog away. i knew he was going to mess with the medicine the second he looked at it. so lame. so predictable. this movie is for drama fiends. like girls who love soap operas and romantic reality shows. and the weird and awkward sex stuff with the sister and brother-in-law. i mean seriously, in this sex thriller the only nudity is the brother in law's but as he rubs red paint on it after he's done spreading it on a bull sculpture. and then he puts on a dress and goes talks to his wife and blake. yes, it's as weird as it sounds. or what about the scene where blake lively takes a bath with her young nephew. like.. why??? what is the purpose of that. what did it add to the movie or the characters. also, a bird flew into the window and died, blake decides to freeze it, supposedly to collect the feathers like she did as a child............ garbo garbo garbo
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