Save nature save Future
13 August 2019
In this episode, Bear Grylls land on Jim Corbett National Park where he joins Indian PM Narendra Modi. He is the second world leader after Obama to join this series to aware people about environment, nature and wildlife. He expresses his views about nature and relationships of man and wild animals in Indian culture. When Grylls asks him about danger of wild animals to human he simply says there is no danger, if you respect them they will never harm you. If you cross the boundary they will fight with you to save their existence. We should respect each other. We should know our limits and we should live in limits. We should conserve them for our next generation, so they can enjoy it too. Overall its not a common Bear Grylls' episode, so don't expect much like hunting, starving situation or something like that. The idea behind this was to promote Tourism as well as to aware people about nature and wildlife. After watching this you will not regret. Watching and listening to a great personality never goes in vain.
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