The Terror: Into the Afterlife (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
18 October 2019
This series really shouldn't have been linked to the season one show The Terror because the first season was a standalone story based on a book based on real life events. It was a fantastic example of believable world building based off fascinating real life events.

I think linking the 2 series together harmed this season's story because it really had nothing to do with what we watched last season. There is no link. Something to do with ghosts? Is that what the show runners thought last season was about? No this season was something else and it wasn't altogether unsuccessful as a stand alone piece.

I really liked how it shined a different angle on the aspect of war and enemies. I know Geroge Takai has wanted to tell his story of the interment camps on US and Canadian soil for a while and I liked those details a lot, and this episodes dealing of the Hiroshima bomb was really well handled too.

The Japanese culture aspect was great and could have yielded much more still if they'd bothered to go deep on it instead of dropping little morsels here and there and not explaining much about them. It felt slightly token at times and it shouldn't have. There's great depth and reason in Japanese culture, and there were the makings of a deep and involving story about the Japanese American experience if the hadn't wrapped it in a convoluted ghost story. The bit that didn't really work was this.

They had ten episodes to really sell that angle and didn't. The actors were pretty good over all. I liked the Japanese language, although others struggled with subtitles, I like that the creators committed to it.

The sets were good, the time period was good, the photography was good, they just didn't have it with the ghost story scary part, maybe it didn't really need it. There was a good enough story to be told without it.
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