Chicago P.D.: False Positive (2019)
Season 7, Episode 6
GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME! No, there are spoilers.
31 October 2019
False Positive Season 7, Episode 6 I have been watching this show since the beginning, trepdatiously. Jason Beghes' character basically runs his own underground P.D. with loyal minions who occasionally question his decisions at risk of What? Death? Firing? A daddy breakdown? I can't help but think of all the years Beghes spent in Hubbard's Scientology and wonder if he's now enjoying the sadist's role, well... sort of, through work. He does it well - veins standing out, spit flying, and all. Acting?

Overall, I've been intrigued by the series. But, this week's show, False Positive, about two boys who get shot in a drug house went waaaaaaaaaay too far over the line! Maybe like from China to Florida! I won't watch this series any longer!

There is so very much preaching, judging, second to 1000th guessing, did I say judging? eyebrow raising, conniving between cops, politicians and hoodlums, and bending of law to suit whatever wind turns Beghes character at the time I almost spewed during this one. Two boys get killed, one the boss lets them use the unaccepted tech to identify someone, they jump on him, he won't confess, so they put him in the hoosgow, and paul meets peter! The black guy dies AGAIN! Then the boss makes a back room deal with the hoodlums. WHA th Fudge!? Voigt's L.R. Hubbard, Trump narcissistic behavior has got to go! I don't have time for this kind of trumpistic crap. I AM DONE! Life's short, I'm tall, time to read a book. Thanks for anybody's attention. :)
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