Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Pretty, pretty good
6 December 2019
I can certainly understand why many people don't like this show. The improv style is something of an acquired taste, there isn't much of a storyline at any point and Larry David himself (or at least this exaggerated version of him) is a bit of a polarizing figure. However, I personally consider it one of the best TV comedies ever made. It took me a while to really get a feel for it, and I stopped and restarted more than once, but once you get into it there's really nothing else like it. It's also one of the only shows I have seen that has maintained its standards all the way through. We're talking 90 episodes of consistent brilliance with barely a dip. Most comedies run dry after 2 or 3 seasons so it's a credit to the writing and acting that Curb Your Enthusiasm has stood the test of time so well.

Larry David is one of the best engineers of situational comedy in the business. The way the episodes unfold is brilliant and there are some hilarious high payoff moments. Yes, the punchlines are telegraphed and yes, the episodes do follow a fairly predictable formula but I don't find that to be a problem. Many great comedies are equally unsubtle, but as long as the characters are rich enough to pull it off, it really doesn't detract from the overall quality of the show.

Larry himself is a wonderfully observed character. His dry biting wit coupled with his almost autistic social clumsiness makes him the perfect contrast to the pretentious So-Cal socialites and celebrities. One criticism I have of the show, however, is the string of attractive girlfriends that Larry dates in the later seasons. I can accept him punching above his weight with Cheryl given his wealth and status, but after they separate, he is somehow able to find an endless stream of desirable girlfriends young enough to be his daughter and he does it without flaunting his money or fame.

The supporting cast is a huge success. Cheryl Hines and Jeff Garlin occasionally come unstuck in the more heavily improvised scenes, but both of their characters complement Larry perfectly. The infamous entourage of Ted Danson, Richard Lewis and Bob Einstein are brilliant accessory characters who develop very nicely as the show progresses and have a high level of authenticity. They share some great scenes and successfully help take the comedic load off Larry's shoulders. My personal favourite though has to be the amazing Susie Essman who is absolutely hilarious as Susie Greene. Her undiluted disgust at the mere sight of Larry (or indeed, her own husband) never ceases to amuse me and her heavily accented tirades and outbursts are probably my favourite part of the show.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the finest comedy shows I have ever seen and I would recommend it to anyone. However, I would urge you to watch at least one full season before writing it off as it can take some getting used to. I hope they continue to make this show indefinitely, there's little else that compares.
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