Star Wars: Rebels: Rebel Resolve (2015)
Season 1, Episode 13
Rebel Resolve
9 December 2019
While not being as awesome as last episode, this was a pretty good episode. I felt it ran a little long in its plotting. Not that the episode was any longer than usual, but it felt like they spent too long figuring out certain key elements. I liked the occasional cutting back to Kanan being torturred, mostly because I really enjoy this iteration of Tarkin. I think he is unbelievable awesome, and Stephen Stanton is doing a great job as the voice. I liked Chopper in this episode. I really think that he is growing more and more sazzy which I really love. The growth of many characters was present as well, and I feel like Ezra is slowly coming into his own as, not just a Jedi, but as a man. I didn't necessarily need the scenes with the dealer on Lothal, but they didn't bother me as much as other scenes have in past episodes. I think it was a good setup for the big finale, and I really want them to stick the landing, because this series has been awesome so far. The characters are great and the threat seems real, even though there are more hope for our crew now that more people have gotten word of what they are doing.
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