Crank Yankers (2002–2022)
12 December 2019
I loved the original series, there was barely a call that I didn't laugh watching, and I was so pumped that it was coming back. But through this entire 2019 series I only laughed once (one of the Niles Standish calls), a single laugh from an entire series. I don't think it's just me as I still watch the originals once in awhile and they are still hilarious. It feels like hooking back up with someone you used to love and finding out how disappointing that can be as well... once the magic is gone, it's gone.

This format just doesn't work well with out edginess, and that's what's been missing. I don't chalk that up to poor writing as much as the fact that they just couldn't get away today with the calls they did in the original run because the climate is different, political correctness has to be a huge consideration without creating a scandal (which, honestly, probably isn't a bad thing in general, but is terrible for a show like this specifically).

I'll still watch it if it comes back in 2020 hoping it improves, but I think maybe this is one of those shows that only worked in a certain time period which is now long gone.
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