Might be picking up, still fairly "meh"
24 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode we got to focus a little bit more on Geralt's plotline, which allowed the adaptation to be slightly more faithful to the book (with a few creative freedoms nonetheless).

Seems like the show is just now starting to sew all these elements together, but it feels so clumsy. Why was Jaskier there now, if in the last episode there was no sign of him? Are they jumping back and forth in chronology even inside each plotline? Sheesh, talk about pointless convolution. Maybe they're trying to do something similar to the first collection of short stories, but with way less finesse.

Yennefer's plot skipped 30 years ahead, and was kind of pointless. Will have to wait and see if anything explored there pays off. Cirilla's plotline, on the other hand, is becoming just plain boring. Her character seem to lack any motivation or sense of agency. She just stumbles from scene to scene.

Aaaanyway, I'm being harsh, but this episode was definetely better than the previous one. But to me, this show in general is just swinging between mediocre and okay.
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