Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part One (2020)
Season 12, Episode 1
What happened to this brilliant show?
3 January 2020
I started this episode with very low expectations. Being the biggest fan of the Davies and Moffat era of Who, loving the Doctors 9 through 12 and their brilliantly complementing companions, season 11 with its absurd (in the wrong sense!) writing, cramped dialogue and characters which were not built up at the end of the season broke my Doctor Who loving heart. So, I thought maybe they packed it out this season and turned the show back to its glory. Unfortunately this was a big no.

You can easily tell somewhat more budget went into this episode. Stunning locations, decent to good CGI, etc. But, this won't ever cover the fact that I still don't know who the companions are. And I continue to wonder why there are bloody three of them. There is no possible dialogue to build a personality of, the writers force the "they are now best friends" schtick on them but to me they are just faces with some sentences attached to. I feel not a single emotion from them, and I don't even blame the actors for this, I believe it's because of the fact that there are so many there is no room for the characters to breathe and get gritty. Two companions work! Rose and Jack were an excellent duo, so were Amy and Rory. They worked because one character was introduced first, and then the other came, leaving room for both to develop as characters and people.

We have a lovely little twist at the end which, as any Who fan probably, got me to sit a little closer to the edge of my seat. But the episode was bittersweet to me. I had no idea what was going on, and suddenly we are surprised with a twist, making things even more complicated.

I do have a bit of hope for season 12 but I beg of the writers to ditch one or two of the companions and for Jodie, who I have seen in countless brilliant shows and films and that's why I have somewhat hope, to find the essence of the Doctor, because I feel like she's grasping for it but really not quite there.
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