Disney's take on Star Wars is Abysmal
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Had serious misgivings at Disney taking over from Mr Lucas, and oh dear... my misgivings were sadly, disappointingly, proven correct with this flick.

1) Pursuing spaceships at sublight speed and running out of fuel, causing the ships to slow down. But, wouldn't said spaceships keep moving at the same speed indefinitely, regardless of how much fuel they had? Space has no atmosphere to slow them down in the first place. They'd keep moving forward indefinitely... until a black hole got in their way (this movie's plot)

2) The entire sequence on the Casino planet was a complete waste of celluloid. But at least the little ship can travel at light speed to get there...

3) The floppy eared horse-things. Can crash through solid walls, flatten air cars, crash through more walls - all while the heroes stay firmly anchored on their back. Suspension of disbelief much? NOPE!

4) The Epic Mary Poppins scene. But I thought Leia could only sense the Force, not use it like a Jedi Master!!!

5) Mary Sue Rey. Now among the most annoying of Star Wars characters... along with that actor from Game of Thrones "Ben Solo". The extreme close up shots of his face start to grate on one's nerves after two hours of sitting and watching this "movie"...

6) Snoke and Phasma's utterly pathetic deaths

7) Luke Skywalker's utterly pathetic death

8) Luke Skywalker squeezing the nipples on a giant, alien, walrus-thing

9) Crystal foxes, porgs, horse-things and multi-nippled walruses, oh my!!!

10) Why did Disney thoroughly ruin Luke Skywalker's character? It's like Disney had no idea who Luke Skywalker was, so they just made up stuff on the fly as they filmed the scenes for this disappointing flick.

The CGI was nice, so it gets an extra point. But Disney should've known by now - no amount of brightly coloured, headache inducing, eye-gouging CGI will ever hide a terrible story.
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