Review of Orphan 55

Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
It is not a 1star and it is not the worst thing on TV
13 January 2020
I do not usually write reviews but this hate against DW and this episode is straight outrageous and ridiculous at the same time. It is not that the episode was not without faults. The writing was weak, the characters had potential but eventually fell flat, some of the decisions were straight nonsensical. At worst Orphan 55 is a forgettable episode, that had a good idea that failed to execute. People who complain about that probably review it with a 5 or 6, for being mediocre. But people who review it with 1 star, don't complain about that: They complain about "agendas" and "the political correctness" as if climate change (the issue that the episode adresses) is a left or right thing, or as if climate change it's a conspiracy theory of the liberals of BBC. Get real and stop being this toxic. Doctor Who does not need your kind of toxicity. Orphan 55 is a mediocre episode, with a good message. Just that.
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