A boring, dull, unbelievable story
16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was boring. Just plain, old boring. There was no discernible story that I could make out of all that loud noise, epilepsy-inducing flash flash bang bang. The quality of the film looked terrible... when i pay $20 AUD Disney, to watch YOUR MOVIE, I EXPECT the film quality to look better than the grainy, washed out, 90's style I just watched.

The entire story sucked, from the first flick in this trilogy to this one. It stuck firmly to a well traveled, well overused cliche formula, pretty much killing any enjoyment and suspension of disbelief I would've had sitting through this.

Somehow Palpatine comes back to life. How? Why? He's got kids and a grandkid now. By the age of her parents, they looked to be 25-30. But Palpatine was 80, 90 years old at the time of Return of the Jedi. According to this logic, after he was killed in RotJ, he survived, had a child... who then went on to have his grandkid... who he now wants to take his place as the new Princess Palpatine. Facepalm.

Rey has become the Ultimate Mary Sue... able to heal angry hungry monsters and fatally wounded humans, stop spaceships escaping, blow up spaceships with her Force Lightning, Force Project objects to people anywhere in the galaxy and single-handedly kill Palpatine... all trained by THE Jedi Master... Leia. WTF?

An entire fleet of thousands of Star Destroyers... ready to be deployed in just sixteen hours. Just sits there and waits to get blown up. But they each have a giant gun mounted to them that can blow up a whole planet! No need for a Death Star now! Every one of these ships crewed by 37,000 people! Where'd all these people come from? Where did the resources come from to build these ships?

Finn and Friend get rescued off the command ship while clinging to the outside of its hull as its nosediving into the dirt. There was no possible way these two clinging to the Titanic going down would ever have been found in time before BIG BOOMBOOM. But no, in true Disney fashion, they simply step off the nosediving Titanic, onto the casually waiting Falcon hovering there for them, never mind all the debris and wreckage thundering past. Whatever Disney. Whatever.

How can Rey possibly kill Palpatine, after Jedi far more powerful than her failed to do so. How can she possibly use the Force to bring someone back to life... who then does it to her when she mysteriously falls over and "dies". If that's the case, why doesn;t she just use the Force to bring the original characters back to life, who have now all been killed in this insipid trilogy of boring flicks?

I've noticed the trend with these flicks is the young attractive heroes survive the completely unsurvivable time after time after time... while those stodgy old fogy original characters die a variety of deaths so pathetic it has to be seen to be believed. Also, what is with Disney's infatuation with pretty young girl Princesses?
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