The Witcher: Betrayer Moon (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great stories but way too rushed
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The whole Yennefer and the magic school story felt extremely rushed.

Apparently she is the best of the best at magic or something but we barely saw her training or doing something special (unless you count as magic pushing a couple of snails into a river).

The magic school and it's hierarchy or structure was never properly explained.

Why Yenn boyfriend is always alone? Why is he there? Where is he? In the basement? In the same building? Is he from a different school? Who was that guy who talked to him? His boss, master?

Did Yenn really loved him or she was a selfish powerhungry b*itch since the beginning?

Another problem with the show as a whole is the lack of a clear time frame. How many days, week, months, years have gone by since the first episode? I have no idea.
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