The robot SUCKED
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Rogue One, it was better than the horrid trilogy of Star Wars flicks Disney has been busily shunting down the production line. I made the mistake of expecting similar output for this SW spin off, but waited for it to come out on Netflix first. I am glad I got to watch it free of charge. It wasn't worth paying money to see this at a theatre.

That actor playing Han Solo is no Harrison Ford. He was more like the actor from Valerian, a pasty-skinned, skinny, doe-eyed wanna-be, the only thing going for him his youthful pretty-boy looks. A Mouseketeer trying his hardest to channel into Harrison Ford. His GF was the same, another Mouseketeer trying hard to act like Carrie Fisher's young stand-in, but the only thing going for her was her pretty Princess looks.

The robot was annoying and irritating. It has got to be the worst sidekick I have ever seen in a Star Wars movie. It had the worst personality, the worst dialogue, it was worse than Jar Jar Binks and not many Star Wars sidekicks get any worse than THAT. It looked stupid, mismatching eyes in an asymmetrical face that you can't focus on, which would've been okay if it didn't have soooo much cringe-inducing lines of "dialogue". Lando Calrissian's relationship with the robot didn't make sense either... sort of close and creepy and intimate. YUUUUK. What on Earth was Disney thinking????

Stuff happens in this flick, but it's boring and forgettable. There's a train robbery scene that reminded me of Disney's The Lone Ranger (the one with Johnny Depp in it), a giant space kraken, a double-crossing villain passing off as Mentor (yawn), and an air car chase scene through a city (triple yawn). A reliance on a lot of overused CGI, and I mean a LOT. Nope, nothing much here.
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