This movie is stupid supid STUPID! Stupid is not scary
26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This franchise is pretty cookie cutter in story, you've seen one you've seen them all. That formula, teens to young adults (who are complete d-bags) get infected somehow, the virus kills them in overly gory ways, throw in needless nudity and drugs to sweeten it and bad ending as sequel bait. But as tired a formula was, this thankfully last installment ups the stupid factor. Porter is patient zero and even though the doctor explains why he's been contained, he doesn't care about possibly killing his wife like he killed his child. The doctor said his kid's dead and he looks like, "oh that's a shame." He openly threatens to kill himself, but instead of restraining him in anyway, they allow him to keep a bed with sharp bed springs which he uses to containment a guy wearing a hazmat suit by going around the mask, if that wasn't insanely stupid enough they NEVER treat the gigantic still bleeding cut on his hand and allow him to make a little fort! What the heck were they thinking! Was it, "He's a dangerous sociopath who threatened our lives and his own life maybe we should, I don't know. WATCH him and not allow a hiding area?" which the reply must have been, "Nah, he needs his privacy!" It looks like an air tight quarantine area during the end credits somehow a mouse got in which he contaminates with his still open wound! And the mouse follows the crew into the panic room as if on command, like this jerk has the power to command animals like Aquaman or the Beastmaster! Lastly, the only one who treated like a human being frees to take him to the center of disease control (I'm guessing) which would be the smart thing, but what this giant a hole do? He injects his blood into bottle water and kills them just to go, kill his wife and mankind. But wait, there's still more stupid to digest, it turns out containing him was all for nothing because one of the party gets contaminated by scuba diving in the lagoon! It wasn't even contained. Lastly, after the first two movies how and why did they keep this secret? If it was a bioweapon, they never said! So keeping him locked up without telling ANYONE is beyond stupid! And knowing he could KILL his wife seems no matter to his guy. If he loved his wife like he acted then why would he not care if the virus he's carrying would kill her, why didn't show emotion when he learn his ONLY child was dead. Scary can stupid, Friday the 13th is stupid goofy fun. And about at least a seed of plausibility. They know nothing of medicine, how animals actor or how to write a human being! I hope the creators of this trash never sold another script after this!
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