The Wrong House Sitter (2020 TV Movie)
Lifetime is "The Wrong Network" with this stupid flick
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This stupid piece of crap is the latest in a long line that proves that Lifetime isn't even bothering to try to make halfway good movies. They're just churning them out a dime a dozen and couldn't care less if the audience likes them or not. 'The Wrong Housesitter' is pathetic, it's so bad. Here again is the same actor they keep recycling in so many of their movies, apparently because they think he's a dreamboat that will attract more female viewers to their lame movies: Jason Shane Scott, and as always, he can't act worth a darn. And for their information, he's not attractive in the least, especially due to the bottom half of his face being constantly covered with black stubble that looks like soot from a chimney, and his body being so out of proportion with a too-long trunk and short legs. And why is Viveca Fox in so many Lifetime movies with just a bit part as a boss or editor or school principal, etc., but always gets top billing in every one of them like she's the main lead? She has the same attitude and personality in every movie she's in. Apparently she's related or married to a Lifetime higher-up to get top billing in the credits every movie she's in when she's never more than one of the supporting players.

The acting by the female villain was bad also, but with such a lousy script and lame dialogue, she probably did the best she could with what she had. The story was dumb, there was very little suspense, and several glaring plot holes like what happened to the lawyer's body, for example. The ending was so lame, with the girlfriend running weaponless toward the villain with a knife, and the villain running out the door - as if the girlfriend could have fended off the villain with only her bare hands. The writers left it hanging with the distinct possibility that she can sneak back in later and kill everyone since no one in Lifetime movies ever locks their doors. And when she was telling the male lead why she had done it all, her delivery was so lackluster/lifeless, it was obvious that even the character herself didn't believe what she was saying. The actress had probably given up by then on the stupid movie being anything over a 1 out of 10, so she thought 'why bother? Just say the lines and run out the door'.
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