This movie was completely fine, but great for kids.
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A YouTuber I watch put my thoughts together perfectly by saying "It's a movie that made me not hate it". Closest I got to being a Sonic fan was playing Sonic Heroes on the original Xbox when I was much younger. Great game btw. I completely skipped Detective Pikachu last year, and I was gonna skip this, but I wanted to see a movie and it was either this or Birds of Prey.

This movie tells the story of Sonic, a hedgehog from another world who can run faster than the eye can see. One day, after losing control of his powers, Sonic pursued by the evil mad doctor Robotnik who wants to capture him and harvest him for his own power. Sonic needs the help of a kindly ambitious police officer Tom Wachowski.

Let's talk about Sonic first: Glad the studio fixed the look of Sonic, and made Sonic look like Sonic in their movie about Sonic. Ben Schwartz is also a good choice for the voice of Sonic, it reminded me of Sonic's voice from the Sonic Heroes game, so good job. I like Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik. This is a set up movie so he doesn't look a lot like the characters' iconic self, but (Spoiler) he does end up looking close to his video game character. I like the look of Robotnik's gadgets too, . I also liked how they visualised Sonic's teleport rings in this. The movie employs little slow motions scenes, like Quicksilver from Days of Future Past. The way that Sonic's body looks when he's generating electricity on it looked pretty realistic.

The movie is funny here and there for the adults, but it's definitely more geared towards kids. The plot is very simple and you know what's gonna happen. If you wanna shut your kids up for 2 hours, this does the trick. This movie was pitched as a Sonic movie set in the real world, but it would've been better setting it in the otherworldly environments we got to see at the beginning of the movie. Robotnik should've been like Dr. Sivana in the Shazam! movie; have him be this young genius who wants to go to this magical world where Sonic lives and have that be his origin ark for the following movie, at least he wouldn't come across as another bland moustache twirling villain, which he LITERALLY was in this. I will say though that Jim Carrey looked like he was having a BLAST playing this character, and I admire that. As for James Marsden, he's completely fine in this. Don't know if he's a fan of Sonic or he just needed a paycheck.

old school Sonic fans will enjoy it enough, but I don't know if they'd want this movie to be the start of some Sonic Cinematic Universe thing. Overall, this movie is perfectly fine, not bad, not great. I would've preferred this movie to be something more myself, but I'm not a Sonic fan and I won't lose any sleep over it. I get the feeling that Detective Pikachu will give me more, but we'll see. For now I'll give it a 5 out of 10.
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