Highlander: An Eye for an Eye (1993)
Season 2, Episode 5
I didn't want to see Duncan bang Sheena Easton in the very next episode after Tessa died. I didn't like Duncan at all in this episode. Great Episode for Richie tho.
8 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Annie, played by Sheena Easton, an immortal, wants revenge against Richie after he stops her from shooting someone by struggling with her while she has an automatic weapon. Her boyfriend ends up getting killed. Annie and Duncan know each other from the past. It appears she's an Irish freedom fighter or terrorist, kind of like the IRA. She lost a husband in the past due to their war against the government. It seems nothing has changed in the present day as she's trying to kill an Irish Ambassador. Loved Duncan's messy curly hair in the flashback.

I hated how Duncan treated Richie in this episode. Richie although cocky afterward did nothing wrong. He tried to stop what he perceived as some bad folks killing other people. One could argue it was really Duncan's fault that Annie's husband got killed. If Duncan had minded his own business and left with newbie immortal Richie, none of this would have happened. Unfortunately, this becomes a pattern with Duncan in future episodes. He can't mind his own business and interferes with whatever the immortal is doing. Anyway, I thought he was a major jerk to Richie.

I hated that Duncan slept with Annie in the very next episode right after Tessa was killed. I'm not sure how much time has gone by, but I'm guessing around a month since his and Richie's grief is still so fresh based on their earlier conversation. I hate "grief sex," "anger sex," and "hate sex," in fiction. Always has been a turn-off. Annie just literally lost her boyfriend the day before. As for Duncan, this goes back to what I said in my last review, he can't go without a woman for more than five minutes. Man-oh-man Tessa just died. This was offensive to me and disgusting and disrespectful to the woman he spent 13 years of his life with.

Loved when Duncan trained Richie to sword fight. It seemed like both actors were really having fun. Duncan shows Richie a move to take out an opponent. Later Richie uses this move on Annie. I thought it was stupid that Richie beat Annie after just starting training with a sword for one day. I mean come on! Annie is probably hundreds of years old. Just so unbelievable to me. Yet again we have another female immortal who can't fight or loses. As with Grace and Amanda in previous episodes. I guess we see some of the "power" an immortal gets when Annie is able to overpower him at times plus hit him really hard.

This was a great episode for Richie. Loved when he drove his motorcycle out the window. Awesome scene when Richie spares Annie's life and he screams "nooo." Later he's sitting down quietly off to the side looking almost like a hurt little boy. Great job by Stan Kirsch.

I really didn't like Duncan in this episode. It was too soon seeing Duncan hook-up with someone else after Tessa died. Sheena Easton was decent in her role. Found it too unbelievable that Richie beat Annie. I gave the episode a 6/10
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