The Flash: Death of the Speed Force (2020)
Season 6, Episode 14
Building up to a promising 8 episodes, the episode was really good but suffered from a bad villain
11 March 2020
Death of the Speed Force is a big comic book arc from the Rebirth and the TV Show did its best in making it their own but I have to say I wanted more to it but it builds for something good and the return of Kid Flash was appreciated, we only need Jesse Quick and we got the old team back. I've been enjoying this season and it's mostly because of the new showrunner and the story arcs he choose to bring to the screen but there is still many flaws in this show, with some episodes that are just plain bad. The first arc of the season when Bloodwork were the villain, that was great but what we got after Crisis wasn't really that good. The Mirror storyline is so far really bad, not enjoying any of it but I believe the build up with the Reverse Flash and the Death of the Speed Force will make things better again. I hope.

But overall this week's episode was pretty good, good drama and character interactions that was well acted and mattered, it wasn't the regular soap operaish dialogue which was appreciated. Also well directed with some good effects again. This week's episode villain was unnecessary and just plain bad in terms of bad acted and just the overall villain, not interesting at all, there's lots of other better villains to choose from.

To end my review I'll say this, I strongly believe this show will be better if it was 18 episodes or 16 which is the same for Black Lightning, that makes for better story telling and also bigger budget and no fillers.
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