Star Trek: Voyager: The Cloud (1995)
Season 1, Episode 5
A plot thing happens for some character developments scenes.
25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Janeway does not get her coffee she starts ramming her spaceship into random nebulas. As with most ramming situations --- there is consequences and they have damaged a gigantic life form. From a story perspective I do find the idea quite interesting ---- using the Voyager spaceship as a surgeons tool to repair a living entity. It just doesn't come together in this one.

What I enjoyed about this episode:

  • Neelix's talk with Janeway about setting an example was pretty amusing. I just love Kate Mulgrew as an actresses. She gives this shocked/angered yet understood and adopted physical response in her face and it's just great.
  • I enjoy the Doctor being a bit of a jerk (understandably) towards Janeway and the crew when he discovers they have caused injury to a sentient life form.
  • Janeway is on a roll this episode and I personally appreciate her interest in Chakotay's spirituality! That's what an astute and caring captain would do! I mean the guy has a tattoo on his face --- he's serious about this stuff.
  • Janeway AGAIN brings out her discipline and completely shuts down Neelix's verbal outrage at exploration. Neelix --- just go back to the kitchen you really don't want to annoy Katherine.
  • Janeway goes 4 out 4 and establishes herself as a captain who is willing to be BFF'S with her crew. Janeway knows her way around a stick and crushes the competition in a game of pool. I loved how she played the part of the lust filled woman when the French suitor came around ---- probably to mess with the crew a bit.
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