Doc Martin (2004–2022)
Doc Martin is about the best thing on television
31 March 2020
I've been watching British TV since first viewing the film "Waking Ned Devine" in 1998. This particular series I've found to be about the best thing on television either side of the Atlantic. The beautiful village of Port Isaac on the Cornwall coast is where the series is filmed, and the characters are superb. I have had a subscription to Acorn TV for many years, primarily to watch Doc Martin. While the pilot (2-hour) movie is somewhat different, it nonetheless gives you a good background introduction to the series. Doc Martin is a doctor employed by the National Health Ministry, and he has a phobia that comes forth when he sees the sight of blood. This premise in itself can be comical. Though Doc Martin is considered a comedy series, there are also dramatic elements incorporated withing the show as well. The series is packed with the most eccentric and quirky characters, and all of them exhibit their own human frailties at times. Casting is superb. I advise a new viewer to begin watching the first series episodes in order, as the actors in the film slowly develop their characters. I've watched every single episode, and the series finale in the ninth series leaves you with the impression that the show may be over. I've never been so fond of a television series in my life, but if Doc Martin ends, I shall almost feel as if part of my family have been severed from my life. The actor portraying Doc Martin Ellingham is Martin Clunes, and this is absolutely the perfect role for him. I hope they continue the series in the future. As a final note, the tourism industry (before the corona virus pandemic) in the village of Port Isaac had surged by at least 10 percent because of Doc Martin. I myself were anticipating planning a trip to England, mainly to play golf and to see the beautiful coast there. Great stuff indeed !!
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