The First: Separation (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea why Sean Penn had to spend so much time in the gym for this series. He is not even going to Mars.

Penn plays Tom Hagerty who was destined to be the mission commander for the first mission to Mars. He was replaced and now watching on television as the crew of the Providence 1 get ready for launch.

An exciting beginning throws a curveball. Like the Challenger space shuttle, the rocket explodes during lift off.

The series is set in the near future 2033. The mission is run by a private company Vista in conjunction with NASA. This might explain one of the first things Laz Ingram the CEO of Vista does is give a bits of legal papers to the family of the dead astronauts.

It is for Hagerty to provide support for the bereaved families, he picked the astronauts for the mission.

The first episode came across as a slow moody piece. It hints at various baggage in Hagerty's life hence why he probably got replaced.

Ingram is straight out of corporate headquarters. She is afraid to talk to the families and realizes that the incident will lead to a whole host of issues. Lawsuits to Congress hearings.

The First is less about going to space, it is about the fraught journey in just getting to the launch pad again after the incident.
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