How DOES McGoohan get on that horse?
17 April 2020
Yet another Patrick McGoohan film I had to scratch off my "To Watch" list. I had already formed an opinion of it thanks to female fans' comments regarding his kissing scenes, McGoohan's own opinion of his Rank films, and even one newspaper editorial from years ago where a woman was rather upset at his non-Secret Agent-like character. I found a copy of the film posted online and gave it a view...

In summary: the two lead characters are, well... CADS. It is very hard to be sympathetic to either of them. They both ask for what they get. Mercouri seemed to be pushing the whole sexy-thing a bit too much. Her whole performance was a bit over the top. McGoohan's character, Jess, one minute seems almost nice, then nasty, then a bit of both, then also a cad. He looks darn sexy in his beard, and HOW does he get onto that horse like that??

The "nice" characters are pretty run-of-the-mill, though Flora Robson was a bit of a stand-out.

I was semi-impressed by the "look" of the film, with colorful sets and costumes, outdoor scenes, etc. It didn't look cheap. But the plot looses you after a while, and the ending is... well... trite...

Watch it if you must, but have a good reason to, like I did...

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