My Bossy Girl (2019)
Sugarsweet feelgoodmovie for the family about taking steps - no matter if theyre mental or literal ones.
22 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The initial overacting and over the top character actions kind of eliminate the notion of how low budget this movie really is. It's incredible value for money counted as a romcom. These issues come together into a plottwist which strengthens the movie in a very fashioned way. This is a perfect movie to watch if you want to appriciate family bonds as life shifts - embracing change.

Pro's Packed full of positive messages Camera work Twist

Con's At times some more extras could have made a real difference A little over the top early on Could have made a stronger metaphorical connection with the staircase they walk, made it clearer and it would have made a larger impact

End Notes: Some metaphors are snuck in even if they are put on display - as the staircase they travel together to reach "home" (read; their happy place), this could have made a strong impact on the movie if used right. Like the ocean is used in Mikra Anglia (2013) (a masterpiece of slow dramas).
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