The Most Overrated Oscar Winner Ever..? Probably YES !
21 May 2020
Terms Of Endearment (1983) : Brief Review -

The Most Overrated Oscar Winner Ever..? Probably Yes. The first thing came in my mind before watching the film was, yes i am gonna watch a Best Picture winner at Oscar so i prepped myself up for a good film in worst case and then the First thing came in my mind after finishing this film is the first line you read at the beginning. This crap won Best Picture at Oscars? Seriously? I would have hesitated to give it even a nomination. Terms of Endearment was potentially a good emotional story but heavily spoiled and completely destroyed by wild characterisation. The story of a mother and a daughter and 2 other important supporting characters doesn't have a single sensible character in the film. I don't understand what kind of American culture it was. I never accepted shameless affairs in any film, doesn't matter even if it's a popular film. I was a just looking for some sense out there but it came to disappoint me again and again. The mother, the daughter both were so wild and open that i never cared for them. Both can have affairs out there with zero shame, both are shameless, both are idiots actually. Then why would have i cared about their lives and problems? Because as a sensible human you connect to sensible characters, not to insensible ones. Even those 2 supporting characters in the film were insensible. I meam how can a woman fall in love for someone who doesn't love her just fir the sake of sex and then ask for love? How can a married woman have an affair with other married man and then bash her own husband for having an affair? Does it really make sense? How come not single character in the film is living happily married life? Such idiotic characterisation was never meant to make emotional connect with me and so Terms of Endearment went rough, dry and unnoticed for me. I hope it had sensible characterisations or even simple in worst case would have done it to fulfill strong performances of all the actors. Now just because of bad writing i had to hate the actors even if they were reasonable. I don't understand how on earth James Brooks finalised this film and it even won him Oscars. I just feel like wasting 2 hours 10 minutes of my life to watch this nonsense emotions. If I will ever make a list of Most Overrated Films that won Oscars then Terms Of Endearment might just top the list.

RATING - 5/10*

By - #samthebestest
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