1 June 2020
Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Directed by Duane Journey. Written by David Tillman

Whoa boy what a week. I will say no more. I'm going to follow this nifty little business card for a sample of Black Forest and hide away inside the enchanted marijuana forest. Just smoke away as long as my life force is not drained from me by a witch.

Oh right there's a movie here entitled Hansel & Gretel Get Baked. I know stop giggling. The absurd title is what grabbed my attention. I had to see with mine own eyes what this was all about. It's not really about Hansel and Gretel. They are barely in the movie. It is mainly about the witch getting her youth back.

That seems to be the movie they wanted to make but they were convinced to slap the story of Hansel and Gretel onto it because everyone knows that story. You slap a well known story onto something else and then you have the ability to sell this misshapen lump of weird to the public. I think this does a disservice to the story being told. It is mildly amusing with this grimy gross decaying witch lady talking shop with fellow potheads.

This is definitely a one joke movie that wears out any amusement really quickly. It goes off on these tangents with a crazed drug lord angry about the witch encroaching on his territory. We have another subplot albeit a brief one with terrible cops that don't believe their story. It is a pretty crazy story.

It does have some moments of gore but this is played to the highest levels of lunacy. It is kind of inspired but not really. I will admit that I found the idea of an enchanted grow farm located inside of The People Under the Stairs house to be somewhat inspired. But after that point, they ran out of inspiration to include anything else.

There sadly is not much to this movie. It stretches the joke to its absolute breaking point. Hansel is such a responsible guy that he doesn't even smoke. The title is a lie!! It's fine. If this is the kind of movie you enjoy, it's not a bad film to check out. I could say it was disappointing but I didn't have expectations. It was just a big giant bowl of whatever. I give this movie a C.
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