Cyber Bride (2019)
A Plot as Stale as The Bride of Frankenstein...
2 June 2020
This film popped up on a website as one of those "if you like that, you may like this" kind of promos (with an apparently primitive algorithm). It was highly rated so I watched it. Obviously that high rating was some kind of glitch, because now (after I've wasted an hour and a half of my life watching this film) I see that the movie rating has changed to 2.3 out of ten.

I don't know why the producers decided to make this film. The plot is as old and stale as Frankenstein and this film didn't add much to that story. The acting was spotty as best; the script/dialogue was atrocious; and the cinematography seemed to be struggling just to get the technicals right on the location shots. If the filmmakers were trying to make a campy film, they missed the mark by a long shot because the score and cinematography and some of the actors were attempting to play it straight. I think these guys were actually trying to make a serious movie here and failed.

The robots (who are obviously played by people actually pretending to be robots) have voices that sound mechanical and their responses are extremely limited, which makes no sense because even with today's technology, naturally sounding synthetic voices are common with a conversational range that can fool most people within certain domains (such as an automated call screener at a customer support line.) Also, there is no motivation provided for the robots' bad behavior. Even the Frankenstein story provided an explanation for why the creature was behaving badly, but not this film.

With a plot this thin, you'd think it'd be easy to maintain consistency, but there were lots of plot holes and the ending, although it was pretty easy to figure out, didn't match up with the preceding content. It looked as though the filmmakers changed their minds about the ending at the last minute and didn't bother to re-shoot the previous material to make it line up.

The score was pretty good though (that is, if they were attempting to make a serious movie). And a few of the acting performances were done well. Crazy Barry (Peter Cosgrove) stole the film, as others have noted. He was completely over the top, yet somehow made it work. (Looking over his bio, it seems that 'crazy guy'/'wild man' is his character type.) A few of the other players had their moments, too.

All in all, this movie is definitely a waste of time and not worth watching.

Triggers: gory violence; gory peudo-cannibalism; misogyny; animal cruelty; textual content at ~200 wpm
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