Review of I.Q.

I.Q. (1994)
g + S + b (gb / A) - S + b = he
3 June 2020
Yeah, that's the formula for a romcom (cis, straight) -- girl is with a schmuck; boy enters the equation; boy and girl get together but have an argument which divides them; the schmuck gets dumped; the boy comes back; Happy Ending

But it's just a plot formula, not a chemistry formula. Why? Because there's no chemistry in this movie, just cold fusion. Ryan and Robbins don't click in this flick. Of course Ryan is the queen of romcom, but I don't remember seeing Robbins in any other romcom. It's just not his thing.

But Robbins is great in this movie, as are the rest of the cast. Matthau is perfect as Einstein -- funny, adorable, quick witted. There are awkward moments though, like when he was on the boat making the couple get together -- it was like he was some kind of voyeur or something. Weird.

But the writing was great, plenty of innuendo and double entendras. There were several situations that were contrived and unrealistic, a prerequisite for any great romcom.

Unfortunately, there was bias in the composition of the cast with only one black person in the entire movie, a minor role as a server in a restaurant at the beginning of the movie, while all of the other characters in the movie (mainly intellectual types) were white.

Otherwise, it's well worth the time.

Triggers: Racial bias in composition of the cast; textual content >600 wpm (presentation visuals during the IQ test)

rating 6/10 (submitted 20200603 7:35 EDT, revised 20200606 5:00 EDT)
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