Evil Priest & The Mindless Horde
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this! Only episode 3 and I'm starting to see why this series is so popular and beloved.

After the epic debut & then the origin episode - we get in episode 3 what I guess you could consider a stand-alone adventure with the boys.

The story is somewhat predictable, however it's executed well and the animation is glorious.

In this episode I really started to appreciate how great the humour is in the show and how it's perfectly expressed through the animation. Some of the reactions are just priceless.

Rose is a fantastic side character here, and she is the real heart of the episode (which is otherwise just a generic power hungry bad guy). Her struggle with faith and wanting to reclaim her dead fiancé is heartbreaking and relatable. She wants so badly to believe it was possible, and now learning she has been deceived is utterly lost and despairing.

The villains teased at the end of the episode (who I remember from episode 1) are intriguing. It's great to get this hint of the larger schemes in motion, of which this false priest character with his false ring is merely a cog. I look forward to learning more about their nefarious plans.

On a broad level the episode also tackles themes of religion and mindless, unthinking obedience. It may cause the viewer to question the nature and purpose of faith.

The only thing I can criticise is that the show tends to go on about the brother's insecurity over his small size. Also, there is a fair bit of exposition and recap within the episode that doesn't really feel like natural dialogue. But none of this greatly took away from the viewing experience. It's petty amazing stuff.
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