Supernatural: Two Minutes to Midnight (2010)
Season 5, Episode 21
Death is awesome but the plot...
19 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Look i first watched this probably 8-9 years ago and i remember the death entrance and the pizza and that just tells you how amazing of a scene it was. Death was a great character. Now... I have a problem with the end plot, that grows more and more after each episode. First this whole darkness inside Sam thing... Not buying it, never bought it, Dean is worse with the whole darkness thing, they just made Sam too pure then when he would do things like have casual sex or kill the guy in season 2 finale he spare they would be like omg is this the same Sam...really? Guy has anger issues because demons have been controlling his life... You know who has worse anger issues Dean who punches Sam around...i'm just not buying it and i'm not buying him being strong enough to defeat Lucifer and i'm not buying Death knowing this, is he all knowing now? Idk i feel like i have a problem with the character arch here. The Sam owning up to his "mistakes" and sacrificing himself while Dean learns to let go. Um and my biggest problem with this series Micheal and Dean do fight in the future, i know this, now i might be a bit off so sorry if i am here because i haven't seen that season just know they have a fight. This fight was supposed to be the thing that wipes out a good chunk of the planet. The reason why they don't want to say yes.'s pointless due to future writing but ok let's leave that for now. They don't want a fight ok. Why does Bobby say Sam dies trying or defeats Lucifer? Um where is the obvious result of gets trapped himsef and tortured for eternity? How can Dean be ok with that? How can Sam be ok that? Are we supposed to believe that they are this dumb they would let Sam be tortured forever then let people die when they know they just go to heaven or hell? I just don't like it, it doesn't make sense to me. It's like they are telling us that Sam is making a wrong right by allowing himself to be tortured forever.
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