Review of Girl

Endeavour: Girl (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
An amazing beginning that the rest of Season 1 hasn't been able to match
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My overall rating of "Endeavour"'s Season 1: 6/10

So, "Girl" is my first exposure to "Endeavour" or to the, ehm, "Morseverse" in general. The opera playing over a wide shot of a 60s British street with period-appropriate vehicles driving about or parked worked more than well as an opening, and then, after we get shown an assortment of scenes that will only quite make sense later but already stun with the level of authentic detail, the actual episode begins - and boy is it a powerful episode!

The acting is excellent, and the plot is complicated but broadly sensible and emotional. There is a finer point or two I didn't quite understand (primarily, what's the reverend's reason for being away?), and Pamela's monologue seemed a bit unnecessary. In addition, while it's probably quite true to the era/life/policing, some aspects represented annoyed me a bit.

Still, I have really felt for all the characters and was very much captivated by the plot and the atmosphere, and while initially I wasn't certain whether I'd like some stuffy British murder mystery series with episodes one-and-a-half hours long playing fanservice to a series from the 70s, "Endeavour" begins (at least) powerfully and convincingly, intelligent and well-polished.
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