28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What the bleep did I just watch?

It starts out as some sort of take on a found footage movie, then it shifts to a YouTuber and her friends investigating the found footage, and then we get the public service announcement on how wrong racism is, then we switch over to a "Scream" style slasher movie.

Oh, and I case the PSA about racism isn't enough, we're treated to a white cop shooting an innocent black teenager, mistaking the youth for the movie's actual killer.

None of the characters are very likeable, and half of them just suddenly pop up in the movie... no real back story, no character development, they're just appear.

There's a haunted house, or a haunted house story, about a black family in the 1940s who lived in the house. A member of the family is unjustly accused of raping a white girl, but is acquitted of the crime. After the accused is acquitted, and before the family can return home, their house is vandalized with racist graffiti. A short time after, the youngest son is "accidentally" run over by an automobile. The family moves out a few months later. After they move out, three different families tried living in the house, but none of them stay any longer than five months. The ghost of the son that was run over supposedly haunts the house.

The movie ends with the female lead giving a YouTube report on the murders that took place. She gives another brief discourse on the evils of racism, and reports that the police closed the case, stating that the innocent black teenager shot by the white police officer was the killer. Our female lead reports that the police are wrong, because she saw the killer, and it was the ghost of a "Klansman". She then vows to continue to investigate until the truth is revealed.

Racism is just flat out wrong, and unacceptable; no argument from me on that point. The subject is handled so ham-fistedly in this movie, however; it deserved better treatment than it was given.
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