Review of Broken

Beware the Batman: Broken (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5
Computerized Catastrophe
17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From brief Beware the Batman series ran on Cartoon Network in 2013 ratings so poor pulled from prime Saturday morning slot buried rest of run after midnight. Set a decade before THE Batman series Gordon only a lieutenant why no Robin, Harvey Bullock, Summer Gleeson, missed, HamilDULL Hill, Batgirl NOT. Computerized imagery made one Beware THE SERIES, ugly, distorted, as times so dark couldn't see the picture. Series largely went in for D-list villains like Humpty-Dumpty here smarted up to accountant from sub-par 70 IQ Arkham asylum inmate created only in 2003, why show D in general, F with viewers.. Chess piece captive scene wasted on appalling albino African American crime boss, not worth it, saving, like Hill so awfully always was, should been back in THE series with A-lister Mad Hatter and as chess piece captives there Gordon (King, naturally), Summer (Queen, of course), Robin (Knight, need to say it), Bullock (PAWN!)
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