Summer Shines
21 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Notable, noticeable, for Summer Gleeson's only full-blown co-starring role. She is SO good, bright, lively, it makes one wonder what the makers were thinking--or more NOT--in not giving her MORE. The reviewer who says "this could easily have been told without her," misses what she brought to the climax confrontation, MADE it, Bruce having to take beating to keep from revealing himself to her , Robin having to figure out way for him. Alfred by comparison brought nothing to sequel sequence Day of the Samurai. Summer was the WASTED character of the show, just 22 episodes, mostly last-in-the-cast brief broadcasting bits, showed WHAT she could bring TO an episode WHEN she got the chance KNOCKOUT at party attacked by M. freeze (Heart of Ice), visited only time by Batman for information (Baby Doll), beautiful even in gas mask raising drama with delivery (Last Laugh), fright under fire then coolness with camera (Shadow of the Bat), run-ins with Bullock (Bullet for Bullock), kidnapped taunted to tears by Joker (Christmas With the Joker), again saving Lock-Up from dreary disaster of old men getting grabbed as well one of them terribly the defied-description dreary HamilDULL Hill the series OTHER mistake treating HIM as more important. Mari Devon always voiced with verve made episodes better while Lloyd Bochner as Hill droned dismally NO episode the better for him, the worse. . She was cruelly, cynically, cast OUT of the second, second-RATE, Batman show (1997-1999) for JERK Ryder, atrocious at ruinously reporting, made one appreciate TOO LATE just how GOOD she was, to become a comics CATASTROPHE from 30 years before the Creeper, to help a comics comeback but that failed AGAIN.
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