Arrow: Eleven-Fifty-Nine (2016)
Season 4, Episode 18
Absolute disgrace for BC fans or anyone who has read a comic
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching Arrow midway through the 4th season when it originally aired. The series started off strong enough, despite making Oliver Queen's personality more like Bruce Wayne's than his own, but it started to sink in season 3 and the first half of season 4 just proved repeatedly that the CW didn't care about the source material at all and was catering to fangirls and relationship drama instead. So when I heard the early spoilers of who on Team Arrow was getting killed off, I knew it was as good a time as any to dump the show.

Now, 4yrs later, after the show has (finally) ended, I've decided to watch it all from the beginning all the way through with the lowest possible expectations. I've made it up to the episode I've been avoiding for 4yrs that was the final straw for me and this series and to be blunt, I'm still just as angry about it as I was when the spoilers originally leaked, even knowing what comes later.

(4 y/o spoilers...) Not only does it fill me with anger and extreme disappointment that the CW killed off THE Black Canary, one of the most beloved and badass women in DC comics, for no reason than to cater to fangirls who wanted Oliver/Felicity to be a thing, but Laurel has had NO character development this whole season! What a complete waste! And because of that there's no real emotional impact to her death except from livid comic fans screaming "wtf did you just do?!" Laurel/Black Canary absolutely deserved better.

Obviously the CW later realized just how much they had angered fans and used a loophole to try to rectify this injustice to Black Canary fans, but the damage was done. I would say I'm surprised the show held on for another 4 years, but the CW loves beating a dead horse. If Amell hadn't wanted out, it would probably still be dragging on.
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