3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THIS version of THE epic World's Finest team-up on Supeman TAS years before is UNWATCHABLE because of what done to Lois Lane--not Luthor, THE ANIMATORS. It overshadows the episode, what one--with regrets--remembers most, nothing memorable as before. She is defies-description-DREADUL, ghastly gaunt, agonizingly anorexic as women wretchedly were depicted in this series, head like wigged, painted, skull, toothpick arms and legs excruciatingly emphasized in a TOO-short skirt, the WORST done TO her in 70 years of comics, animation, TV, film. The team-up this time in Gotham could, SHOULD, left her behind, NO real reason for her., not HER town. It would have been better for NOT to have been here to look like THAT. It was cruel to such a beloved character, at least should have put trousers, coat, on her. Vicki Vale had similarily suffered in series' spin-off film feature Batman Versus Dracula, warning should have been taken here for Lois., Since series set about decade before THE series one is grateful for Summer Gleeson NOT to have been in this for fortunately HER beauty always appreciated unblemished.
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