Greyhound (2020)
Intense action all the way
8 August 2020
After the briefest introduction to the Tom Hanks character we are dropped into the action which does not relent to the end of the film. Dodging and hunting the unseen enemy of U-Boats was never an easy task but when you have responsibility for guarding a fleet of weapons-free merchant ships full of the life blood of food for besieged Britain and troop carriers full of virgin soldiers the jeopardy is ratcheted up to unbearably tense levels. Tom Hanks is superb playing the besieged captain and subtly portrays the vulnerabilities of his character in his role, new to the crew and captaincy, learning on the fly and making impossibly difficult trades with fortune. He is hardly off screen. Stephen Graham is also great as the wily, hard nosed number one. The burden of responsibility for the lives of the crewmen and soldiers is very well portrayed and it is this that is the engine of the intense tension. It's well worth watching but low on complexity, being exclusively a military procedural, but the time just flies by and by the end you may have some insights on the subject of responsibility.
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