Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
13 August 2020
I genuinely enjoyed seeing how people around the world are applying smart innovative solutions to the problem of global warming. What I didn't enjoy was listening to the two "interviewers". But what could you expect from a thirty-two year old actor and a fifty year old pseudo scientist who seem to have the vocabulary of prepubescent boys. Come on!!! By the time you reach the age of thirty-two and fifty respectively, one would think you would have more adjectives in your arsenal than, " amazing, gnarley, rad, and cool" to describe everything from scientific innovations to sand surfing. And hearing a fifty year old man referring to his twenty year younger sidekick as " dude, Zacky, and Zackarino" was just painful. Zack Efron, who doesn't seem to have matured beyond the character he played in High School Musical , described every meal he ate from the best restaurants in the world to fruit picked off trees in the Amazon with one word, "AMAZING!" I found myself wanting to send these two a Thesaurus. The series covered a serious subject. But the co presenters were thick as planks. Their questions were those of those of sixth grade students on a field trip. With every encounter I waited , hopefully for an intelligent question, just one!!! But it never came. As one other reviewer noted, for two people who were vowing to start "keeping it simple" throughout the series, it was hypocritical to see them do a segment at a restaurant in Los Angeles that employed a Water Sommelier . Do they also employ a Juice Sommelier I wonder? The title is as absurd as the segment. The word Sommelier refers specifically to a wine expert, and it cannot be used interchangeably. Only in Los Angeles....

My favourite line in the series is when an urban beekeeper tries to explain to Zac that honey produced by bees in an urban area is actually purer than honey from bees in rural or farm areas. He does this by citing a study where the honey produced by bees in Paris was found to contain less chemical contaminants than honey produced from bees in rural France. Zac replies," Everything's better in Europe" completely missing the point. Again. : )

As much as I disliked Darin Olien, I was truly sorry to see that he lost his house to the fires in Malibu , and felt he could empathize with those that lost their homes in Puerto Rico. A sad note on which to end the series for sure.

Overall, I think the subject matter of the series deserves more gravitas than the two presenters are capable of. I watched every episode to see the innovators, the problem solvers, the people who are doing the actual work. I cringed at every idiotic comment, was frustrated at every missed opportunity to ask intelligent questions, and wondered how you could pair these two together and get funding for this project. Again, only in LA. I wonder if Zac's millions of followers will even get the point. For sure they'll think it's "Gnarley" For the record I'm not a hater I applaud the effort to get these ideas out to the world, however I am an objective reviewer and these two were just not up to the task.
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