Space Mutiny (1988)
A space movie made with space scenes taken from Battlestar TV series, with a number of issues
21 August 2020
There is the core of a good story here. A generation ship is going to a new world and the security crew decides to mutiny and sell the rest of the crew/passengers to space slavers. Big fight against them led by the beefcake hero/space ace.

There were a number of issues. The security commander was way over the top scenery chewing even for a sci fi movie. Bridge crew are murdered and then back at their places later. For some reason the filmmakers decided to use an abandoned factory as the engineering section of the ship, where a lot of the combat scenes were filmed, but made no effort to cover up the bricks and cement and windows.

It was filmed in English in South Africa, and with the exception of a few actors most of the cast wasn't good at acting at all, and really had a hard time suppressing their accents.

The lead actress is married, in real life, to the lead actor/action star, but her hair, makeup, and sort of one piece swimsuit type space costume makes her look 20 years older.

There are some sort of security patrol cars used for a long chase scene, but they look silly and go walking speed at most.

Most oddly, there is a crew of space psychic dancers who do long dance numbers, alone in a large room, but have no bearing on any events on the ship.

There is also a scene with a space disco, where actresses are booty popping in 80s style club clothes to a boppy techno disco, and the lead actress does a sexy hula hoop for the lead male. It was super corny 80s, so much so it was funny.

Whatever the (serious) faults, this movie has been covered twice by MST3K, and by Riftrax, and both are really funny.
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