The Virginian: Show Me a Hero (1965)
Season 4, Episode 9
The Revival of Eagle Rock
25 August 2020
This Virginian story has Trampas returning to Shiloh when he helps Richard Beymer with a runaway team. In doing so his horse sprains a tendon forcing him to spend some time in the town of Eagle Rodck. The place was once a ghost town, but now is being revived due to the promise of a railroad coming through.

That promise has also brought Lee Patterson and a gang of toughs who want to turn the place into a sin city with high stakes gambling and all that entails. Patterson has some history with Doug McClure in his pre-Shiloh days.

Ths is on of the best Virginian episodes as Doug McClure in the bbest tradition of a western hero makes it his fight. As both Randolph Scott and Audie Murphy said 'there are some things a man can't ride around'.

This is McClure's episode and he gets good support from a guest cast that also includes Sherry Jackson, Leonard Nimoy, Mort Mills, and Douglas Fowley.
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