Surprisingly good and that confuses people
29 August 2020
I genuinely had no idea of what to expect in this movie when I started it as I just pulled it from a pile of movies to watch, but I walked away positively surprised and satisfied. It was a really good movie. "OK", you might think. "So how come there are so many negative comments here then?" Have I lost my marbles or am I saying that all the negative reviews are wrong? Well, of course not. In fact, I understand some think this film was a turkey but I will get to that later. But first, as you may have guessed already, I thought it was brilliant and quite refreshing. I'll even be as bold in saying that they hardly make movies like this any more (and I can say that against the background that this review is written in 2020, 11 years after the film premiered). I found the film well scripted, excellently cast and the filming locations were selected and captured perfectly. In case it wasn't already obvious, making movies is an expensive business and the selection of filming locations have a massive impact on the overall cost of the film hence why so many films try to film outside the LA, California and US in particular. You want to use relatable environments so that the audience can connect to the culture, life and events that the director tries to convey in the film. And far too often we see movies filmed in low(er)-cost countries such as Romania, Serbia, Czech Republic etc and they just feel, well, cheap. Not here though ! Here they did this masterfully and every shot perfectly captured the soul of each location the way the director wanted it to be experienced by the audience. The trio in the leading cast (Rachel Weisz, Adrien Brody and Mark Ruffalo) exuded confidence and realism and they truly lifted this intricate plot and made the story feel alive. Rinko Kikuchi's character, on the other hand, felt underdeveloped and could have been worked on more to add more depth to the story and this is probably my only negative feedback.....but, this is my opinion. And after all, a movie is the Director's work of art and it is not for me to tell him how he should express his own vision. But why did I say in the beginning of my review that I understand why some rate this film a turkey? The long and short version is that movie audiences have been spoon-fed crap movies for decades. Formulaic action/comedy/romantic dramas that certainly entertains while you're in front of the screen but are as forgettable as they are hollow. So after decades on an unhealthy diet of rubbish, the standards have now been set at such a level that the average consumer no longer expect that the entertainment value in watching a movie should be more than a fleeting encounter or not just 90 minutes of killing time. I know that this will be hard for some to swallow but that's the raw truth. Watch this film while not expecting the standard fast-paced action, tear-dripping dramas and mindless one-liners but expect instead honest acting, good scripting and quality movie making and you'll find that there is great lasting entertainment value in this film.
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