Air Crash Investigation: Deadly Crossroads (2005)
Season 2, Episode 4
the air collision over Germany
5 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This air accident tragedy that occurred in the early 2000's is reconstructed in this episode and does not hold back from telling things the way they were and remain in legacy. Even though the subject matter is a sad story, the actual documentary is very well made and unbiased.

Aside from explaining how and what occurred with the actual mid-air collision it also looks at the 2 individuals who are forever associated with this event. That being the air traffic controller who made the error of judgement and the Russian father of a young girl who was on the passenger plane (with his wife). There are also recollections with other relatives of the crash victims on the passenger plane and a boss at the time, from the air traffic control company also gives some comments.

As well as it being such a high profile and well known aair accident, it is also remembered for the tragedy that happened afterwards when the father started to seek out the air traffic controller responsible. This element of the story is covered and done well as to not place blame or show sympathy to one side or the other. A compelling episode and one of the best in the series.
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