Into the Wild (2007)
Disastrous and crap
8 September 2020
I know my opinion varies from millions of people who have given this movie such a high rating. But this is my personal opinion that this movie is disastrous on every ground. A man leaves the society to live in the wild because in society everyone is mean and selfish to each other. And then this man in the wild kills every single living being that comes across him for his own survival. So that's not mean and selifish ? Ever heard of Gautam Buddha who survived an extremely long life in the jungles without hurting a single living being. And this man in this movie hates society and the ways in which this society works. But then he uses the tools invented by this society in the wild to help himself survive. That's not being truly into the wild when you are using a rifle to kill animals and using a mattress and bus for a comfortable living. I wish I could give this movie a negative rating. And what's most disappointing is that this is a real life story of someone. Some people are so lost in their life that they go out of the way to find themselves without realising that they are on the wrong path.
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