Better than I expected.
25 September 2020
Syd and Marty Kroft cash in one of their most popular franchises and almost strike gold. From the Saturday Morning age of the 70s comes the story of Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition ...... well you know the rest. The classic story of a scientist from today trapped in a world of yesterday, teaming with cave men and dinosaurs. Now, with all upgrades (reboots, re-imaginings, remakes, whatever suits you), this one needed to be loyal to the original, but appealing to today's audience and those types of movie-goers who need everything to look absolutely real. Throw in some excellent comedy led by Will Ferrell, remove the family oriented group and jack up the special effects. There is also a hint of pop-culture and a strong urge to use more adult-oriented comedy, which is fine, as long as you don't over-do-it.

The new Marshall is in the invented and totally made up career known as Quantum-Paleontology, Holly is a student from Cambridge, who has followed Marshall's career and Will is a redneck loser who runs a tourist-trap cave. The first half of this movie was great. The comedic timing of Will Ferrell and the dialogue made me split my sides. The creative way that the group got to the Land of the Lost, paying homage to the classic theme song, introducing the characters that actually made the original TV show (Cha-Ka, Grumpy and the scary Sleestak), are introduced and handled quite well.

I think the reason I enjoyed the comedy and the way they handled the story, is the fact, that when you watch the original show, the acting is so atrocious, that you already think it is a comedy, so why not stay in that line, but update it to 2009. The movie moves along quite well, but due to a small string of ridiculous scenes, it begins to run out of gas as we approach the ending. I was worried that the film might go in a direction that many types of films like this do, but I was thrilled to see it all worked out. It was an enjoyable outing until the last fifteen minutes. There actually is logic to the story and the scenes, but the line is crossed too far sometimes, with too much silliness. It then kills an excellent grade and drops it to this.

7.5 (C+ MyGrade) = 7 IMDB
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