Review of Berserk

Berserk (2016– )
A spit in the face of Berserk and its fan base.
20 October 2020
This series had so much potential to be great. I will start off by saying that the visuals in the FLASHBACKS using 2D manga style animations, look fantastic. I'd argue even better and more true to the manga than the 1997 version. EVERYTHING OUTSIDE of the flashbacks though, is a travesty. It being CGI is already a mockery of what Berserk is hailed for. A masterfully drawn manga hailed for its visuals. CGI disrespects everything artistically that made Berserk beloved. But even for CGI, this CGI work and animating is sloppy, ugly, disjointed, and lazy. An anime well regarded for its CGI in the anime community for being easily the best CGI anime in terms of quality would be Land of the Lustrous. It is considered a universal standard for how all CGI anime should look. It is fluid, clean, unique. The choreography for the fight scenes has amazing cinematography using techniques found in action movies. Land of the Lustrous boasts in every aspect what Berserk 2016 lacks in its animation, and that is the entire reason this adaptation tanked and gets clowned by not just the Berserk community, but reviewers / journalists alike.

Avoid this adaptation like the plague and just read the manga, or just wait for something of better quality to hopefully eventually come around.
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