House M.D.: Open and Shut (2010)
Season 6, Episode 18
interesting case but..
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, it was the 2010 so a lot of people weren't familiar with open relationships and stuff like this, the hole thing about how it works should be better, but, it wasn't and all we get it was "oh! look! this woman has an open marriage!" that pissed me off, and seriously i hate hate hate taub, he's just a annoying lil boi who can't stop cheating on his wife, oh gosh! somebody help this innocent man! chris taub is a well constructed character (and perhaps that's why i'm so angry rn) but he making his wife sad and still don't caring for later comes to her with lullabies about loving her? omg someone save this poor man!
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